Replacement LEDs


Replacement LEDS for the JBJ Nanocube

LEDs have a very long lifespan but occasionally do go out. If it is time to replace yours, be sure to choose the correct size for the JBJ nano cube tank that you have. On most models, this is simple plug-and-play and you just remove the small wire for its attachment inside your hood.

Now in stock:

JBJ 28G NanoCube Replacement Dawn/Dusk 3 Watt LED 2-Pack for MT-601

12 & 24 Gal Nano Cube Deluxe - Replacement Moonlight LED 2 Pk - MT-LED
Now Only
28 Gallon Nanocube Replacement 3 Watt Daylight LED MT-601-18
6 Gallon LED Nanocube - 13 Watt LED Canopy Only - MT-308-C
Replacement 1 Watt Moonlight LED for 28 Gallon Nanocube - MT-601-17 (2 pk)
JBJ Cubey Deluxe Replacement LED Panel - MT-208DX-RL
Ships Free
JBJ 28 Gallon Nano Cube Advanced Aquarium with LED Lighting (MT-601) Replacement 1 Watt LED Moonlight Transformer. MT-601-13
28 Gallon Nano Cube Professional LED - Replacement Dawn/Dusk LED 2 pk MT-601-9 (28G-1*3W)