Accela Powerheads

JBJ Acella Powerhead.  This unit works great with the new wave makers we have in stock.

This unit is extremely powerful and efficient.

This water pump is ideal for the dual Accella wave makers.

Accela pumps and powerheads for your JBJ Aquarium.

A great alternative to the standard Nano Cube pump. Use a a replacement pump for the filter as this unit puts off less heat in your tank.

The Acella Pump is ideal for freshwater and saltwater applications. The Accella Pump by JBJ can also be used with the duo or quadro wavemakers or any wave maker due to the quality of their shaft.
JBJ Accela Replacement Impeller for Powerhead 400 - SP1-400-I
JBJ Accela Replacement Impeller for Powerhead 600 - SP1-600-I
JBJ Accela Replacement Impeller for Powerhead 800 - SP1-800-I
JBJ Accela Replacement Impeller for Powerhead 1000 - SP1-1000-I
Replacement Suction Cup Bracket for JBJ Accela Powerhead - SP1-SC
6-12 gal JBJ Nanocube Powerhead - SP-602

Acella Power Head gallon per hour specifications

JBJ Accela Submersible Powerhead 600 (182 gph) SP1-600
JBJ Accela Submersible Powerhead 800 (215 gph) SP1-800